So what better way to reclaim my humanity/rediscover that I am not, in fact, a system-serving robot (albeit with some admirable tape gun skillz), put on this earth with the sole purpose of packaging 500 Sigur Ros albums (Listen here!! Then buy it here!!) than FREELY lifting the new Ceremony album? And then, after lovingly unwrapping (these wrapping skills go both ways, you guys) said album, being able to proudly proclaim that, WAIT, PUNK MIGHT NOT BE DEAD!
Granted, the Bay Area quintet began as a hardcore act - they first called themselves Violent World - but their new release, Zoo, presents a sound streamlined enough to be accessible to non-punks, while maintaining enough of their snarlingly authentic, belly-churning raw power to appease the headbangers.
Nothing makes me feel more human than the sound of hysteria. (Or "Hysteria," the album's first track.)
Like it? Buy it here!!